Monday, 4 April 2011

CAMRA fit for purpose review now online

If you're a CAMRA member you can download it here.


  1. I'm still only part way through but it is looking good.

  2. I can't fault the amount of effort that went into it. However, my initial reaction is that it primarily concentrates on how CAMRA goes about campaigning rather than considering in a more fundamental sense what in 2011 it is meant to be about, which is what many people were expecting it to address.

    "It was no part of the Strategic Review Group's remit given to it by last year's Conference to second guess that democracy and pronounce on minimum pricing, the debate over the distinction between craft beers and real ales and the role CAMRA should play in combating the anti-alcohol lobby. Rather, our role was to identify ways in which CAMRA could sharpen up its act and campaigning activity."

  3. I'm not a CAMRA member, what is this?
    3 strikes and your out?
