I don't really have time to organise visits for the Brewery History Society at the moment, but no one has volunteered to take over the job. So when I can I'm organising a few trips, and strangely enough I somehow managed to find the time to organise a visit to
Timothy Taylor's brewery.
My obsession with
Landlord is entirely unrelated to this.
The brewhouse came from the wrong side of the Pennines, originally being from Oldham brewery. They recently added a new Steel's masher.
The mash tun was filled almost to the brim, giving a brewlength of 180 barrels which is liquored back to 250 bbl. They still work in Fahrenheit and unfortunately I brew in Celsius. Figures were kindly translated for us and they mash at 66°C for an hour, then underlet raising the temperature to 70°C and leave for another hour.
They use only whole hops and add more hops in the hop back.
A lot more hops go in the copper though.
And I bet it's a right pain in the arse filling those bins. The use
WGV (Whitbread
or is it White's Golding Variety), Fuggles and Savinjski Goldings, with true
Goldings also being used some years.
Brewing sugars are used in wort production and priming sugar is added to the casks.
Blocks of No.2 there |
They carry out a range of lab tests in house...
...including using an antique Lovibond meter. Modern colour determination only measures colour at one wavelength (430nm) which does not give the full picture so they compare the colour of their beer to tinted glass slides by eye.
They ferment in open squares and rouse the yeast during fermentation. The yeast also came from Oldham brewery and they've been continuously re-pitching for 36 years.
They crop the yeast by skimming it off the top.
Newer vessels have lids that can drop down and seal the tanks. Which makes CIP (cleaning in place) easier and allows them to be used as conditioning tanks.
They now have a five barrel pilot plant which has been used for brewing some small batch beers.
Production is over 80% cask, with the rest being bottled at Robinsons. Annual production is 61,000 barrels so unsurprisingly they have very snazzy cask washing and racking equipment.
They still have to bang in the shives by hand mind.
With the casks being primed and racked with a yeast count of 2 million cells per ml there is a vigorous secondary fermentation. They recommend the cask is vented and left open for 24 hours before adding a soft peg.
The tour ended with a look at the Quality Control.
Very important that bit.