Like a great gold gong that's beating,
Like a brass-bell fanfare greeting,
Summoning the day.

Best UK Cask Beer:
Best UK Keg Beer:
Having been abroad I've suckled at the devil's drainpipe in the heathen manner. And my mate Marek has at times brought keg been over when it's his round. Wonderful human being that he is he wasn't brought up in the faith so doesn't recognise the spiritual peril he is placing himself in by doing this. What was favourite though? Who knows? I don't pay attention to such things. I did enjoy our walk to Rivington brewery though so something from them.
Best UK Bottled Beer:
Carefully selected for me by my favourite nephew Harvey's Tom Paine hit the spot.
Oh god, cans too. Surely this can't be pleasing to god. The ludicrously waxed can a mate got me for my happy birthday made me laugh and it was filled with an imperial stout which I approve of so Decimus Rusticus from Baron Brewing.
Best Overseas Draught:
Best Overseas Bottled Beer:
What have I had this year? Hmmm...I did go to the Guinness brewery so let's have FES, another great beer that sticks it to those think diacetyl has no place in beer.
Best Overseas Canned Beer:
It's bad enough having to try and remember a British canned beer. I did neck a can of something Polish at the airport though so that's this year's winner.
Best collaboration brew:
Have I had any? I've a vague feeling I have but I can't remember what.
Best Overall Beer:
Thustons Horsell Hop.
Best Branding:
Let's go with the waxed can as I didn't cut myself getting rid of the wax.
Best UK Brewery:
Best Overseas Brewery:
Guinness was amazing, it's like a bleedin' city.
Best New Brewery Opening 2024
Can't think of one.
Pub/Bar of the Year:
The Crown of course.
Best New Pub/Bar Opening 2024
Can't think of one of these either.
Beer Festival of the Year:
Hmmm... Woking's gone. No GBBF. Didn't get to Farnham. Oooo...there is the beer festival the Crown has so that.
Supermarket of the Year:
Independent Retailer of the Year:
Cobbett's Real Ale is handy when I'm in need of something special so they're the winner again
Online Retailer of the Year:
I actually bought some beer online this year as the special offer on the Fuller's (Asahi) advent calendar was a bargain so they win this one.
Best Beer Book or Magazine:
The one I've enjoyed the most is Martyn Cornell's Around the World in 80 Beers. I suspect beer list books are the ones that sell but the subtitle "a global history of brewing" sums it up better. It's far more than just a list of beers. There are some fascinating facts in it that I found a delight, I mean who knew the first person to swim the English channel drank beer on the way? Or that the heather ale recipe myth Williams Bros. use is hugely popular in Russia? But ignore the bit about the male Fuggle, there ain't no such thing.
Best Beer Blog or Website:
Simon Johnson Award for Best Beer Twitterer:
It should shift to Blue Sky really so I'll go for Boak and Bailey who are over there.