Whilst over in London for the GBBF I had the chance to try Fuller's unfined keg Pride. Considering the lengths some craft brewers will now go to to deliberately make cloudy beer it was surprisingly bright.
Certainly if I was handed a pint of cask beer looking like that I might eye it suspiciously but I wouldn't take it back. The beer tasted like normal Pride, except it was colder and fizzier. And it cost a pound a pint more, so it's not something I can recommend.
There is also the doctrinal matter to take into consideration. As a keg beer, served using extraneous CO2, it's undoubtedly evil, but how evil? It's not filtered or pasteurised so I did wonder if drinking it is a venial or mortal sin. More work for the CAMRA theologians there. I took the precaution of saying an act of contrition and three Hail Protzes after finishing my pint just in case.
Sounds pretty evil to me.