I've been doing some more malting at work recently. This is
the process in which starchy barley grains are partially germinated so
that when used for brewing the starch can be broken down to fermentable
sugars. It's very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very
interesting (sorry about that, you'll need to have been on twitter to
get it).
The first stage is screening. I like this bit:
separates the wheat from the chaff, or barley in this case. Though the
grains have been mostly separated out there are still some bits of straw
you want to get rid of, and a series of sieves and a blower do the job.
A barley grain |
that the barley's ready for steeping.The grains will have been dried
for storage and they need to be rehydrated before they will start to
germinate. At work we have cylindrical steeping and germination
Here's a look inside:
The vessels tilt up for loading, and down for unloading:
Adding the grains
loaded the barley sits on the sieve plate at the base of the vessel.
The barley will then be completely immersed in water, following a
carefully controlled programme of steeping alternating with air rests.
Having air rests during the steeping of barley came directly from
research carried out here. Well maybe not exactly here, but this
workplace. It's now universally used as it makes malting much faster and
more efficient.
Steeping alternated with air rests
means yeast and bacteria on the grain are washed away, as well as
phenols from the husk, oxygen can get to the grain so it can respire,
CO2 is removed, and so is ethanol produced by the grain during
anaerobic respiration. Yes, that last one disturbed me too. What a waste. Air will
be blown through the grain bed and fans remove the CO2.
the correct steeping schedule can have a huge effect on how well the
grains germinate. Here's a picture of the same barley sample that's had
different steeping schedules:
schedules may be water 8 hours/air 16 hours/water 24 hours or water 6
hours/air 10 hours/water 6 hours/air 6 hours/ water 6 hours. Tests for
germinative capacitiy (and similar tests for
germinative energy and
water sensitivity) can help determine the best steeping schedule to use.
Here's a grain that has just chitted i.e. the rootlet is just showing |
approximately two days the steeping will be completed and grain
moisture 42-46%. The germination stage starts now, and the plant hormone
gibberellic acid can be sprayed on at this point. This is where our
cylindrical vessels come into play as they will periodically rotate
quite rapidly to break up the grains rootlets and stop them forming a
big tangled mat.
Here's the rotating:
And here's some tangled grains all stuck together:
big malting plants have vessels with rakes or screws running through
them to break up grain tangles. And it can also be done by a bloke with a
rake, as most pictures of floor maltings show, though I have heard they
have something like a lawn mower they can move through the grain bed
too which must be a lot less effort.
The germination
stage starts next. During steeping the embryo will produce gibberellic
acid, and as I've said it can also be sprayed on to help things along
their way. The gibberellic acid is transported through the aleurone*, a
thin layer of cell surrounding the grain, which produces or activates
enzymes which will being the
modification of the grain. These
include amylases, proteases and β-glucanases. These enzymes are
necessary for converting the starch in the grain to fermentable sugars.
Though we don't want any more than is necessary at this stage as over
modification means the grain will use for growth sugars the yeast could ferment.
Here's a grain after rootlets have grown |
modification breaks down the structure of the cells surrounding the
starch granules in the grain and provides the enzymes that will be used
during brewing. β-glucans (and pentosans) are polymers that can cause
serious problems during the brewing process if their levels are too
high. They increase wort viscosity making making it difficult to
separate the liquid from the grains at the end of mashing, and can lead
to hazes forming in beer. Protein needs to be broken down to make the
starch granules it surrounds accessible to the amylases, and to provide
raw materials the yeast will use during its own growth.
is allowed to continue for around four days. Rootlet growth is vigorous
but a bit erratic. The growth of the acrospire, which would become the
shoot, is of more interest to maltsters. Unlike the rootlets which go
the easy (proximal) way out of the grain it goes the long way round from
the embryo and works its way inside the husk aiming for the far
(distal). When it's about 75-80% of the way there germination as gone as
far as we want it to.
Here are some grains at the end of germination:
This is moist
green malt, and
it tastes a bit like bean sprouts at this stage. Which perhaps explains
why bizarre as it now sounds beans were once used for brewing. It is
possible to brew using green malt, and I've heard of a grain whisky
distillery that does this. It has a very short shelf life though, as it
will keep growing wasting all that valuable sugar that could be turned
to alcohol, and will rapidly go mouldy.
Usually this is
prevented by the next stage, kilning. This is when the grains are
heated to halt germination at the optimum stage of enzyme production and
grain modification, and dry the grains to the moisture content at which
they can safely be stored without going mouldy. The degree of kilning
will also to a large extent determine which type of malt is made and
will have a big effect on the flavour of the beer.
Malt kiln |
At first the grains will 'free
dried' by heating gently with an air temperature of 50-60°C (though the
grains themselves will be at a much lower temperature than this) and the
air will be vented away. This will continue for around 12 hours, when
the moisture content will be about 24%. The free drying stage will have
removed the surface moisture, and that in the outer layers of the grain.
We now move on to forced drying, where moisture will diffuse from
deeper in the grain to the surface for removal and the grain will start
to shrink. This would slow the rate of water removal so the temperature
will be increased slightly to 70-75°C and the fan speed reduced. The
grains will not get as much evaporative cooling as they did during free
drying, and their temperature will start to rise. After perhaps 10 hours
the moisture will be down to 10-12%.
Malt in the kiln |
Now the curing stage begins, as the most
difficult to remove water, that which is bound to large molecules inside the grain, such as the starch, is removed. To achieve this the
temperature is increased again, and the air is substantially
recirculated. Curing will generally continue for three hours or so until
the moisture content is below 5%.
Temperature and humidity probes |
As well as reducing the moisture content
of the malt kilning also drives off unwanted volatiles, particularly
sulphur compounds, and adds colour and flavour due to
Mailard reactions
between sugars and amino acids. The higher the final kiln temperature
the more of this will occur. A lager malt might have a final kilning
temperature of 80°C, whereas for a pale ale malt it might be 100°C.
is a major reason why you get the reek of brimstone during lager
fermentations (a sure sign it's the devil's work), and the unpleasant
vegetable taste of dimethyl sulphide and watery yellow colour of many
lagers. To which we can contrast the pleasant malty flavours and rich
golden colour that will be found in an ale made with a pale malt grist.
kilning the malt will be cooled rapidly but we're not finished yet. Oh
no. The rootlets need to be removed, or as we say in the trade the malt
needs to be
deculmed. We have a machine for that too:
Here's the rootlets or
They're high in protein and not good for beer so are best used as animal feed.
the malt has been deculmed it's still not over, as freshly kilned or
'fiery malt' is not good for brewing and need to be stored for
around a month before use.
Then it's over, the production of 'white malts', the ture enzymic malts (lager, pale, vienna, mild, munich) that can be used as 100% of the grist has come to an end and I can bring this #beerylongread to an end. Crystal or caramel malts, along with the various types of roasted malts are another, though closely related, story so you'll have to wait for the #beerylongreadappendix for that.
*I follow the true path of
Palmer, not the false trail of Briggs.